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Friday, March 31, 2006

On a sadder note....

I turned 30 last Wednesday. Officially accountable for life now. When you are 0-12 people call you a child, a kid not old enough to do anything. 13-19 you are a teenager. Immature and inexperienced. You can vote, not that is matters cause look what that got you for the past 6 years. 20-29 you are a "twenty-something". Young, energetic, eyes-wide-open, passionate, brash and capricious but it is okay because you are still in your "20's". Now 30.
What is 30? Simply the decade before you are "Over the Hill". Great.
They used to have a show called "thirtysomething". (Not that YOU in your 20's would remember it). It lasted 4 years. Hmm, that doesn't bode well. I remember it being about adult angst and the harsh reality of getting old, physically and emotionally.
So i've got that going for me...which is nice.


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