Mine during the Fall happens to be Fantasy Football and a couple flavors as well...
American and
English. Having competed (and, yes, there is fierce competition) for the past several years my love for it just seems to intensify annually. However, so does the heartache when my teams fail to live up the loftly greatness that I tout them on the chat boards all pre-season. Aka Trash-talk to the highest degree. But in my mind that is all part of the game.
So this year, i am in three
NFL leagues and two
EPL leagues. Equally attached to both, I do however seem to succeed more in the EPL leagues. I guess since I have a sincere passion for one of the teams in the EPL whereas I don't follow any one NFL team (although I am partial to the
Chiefs but that is merely because I have had
Priest on my team the past 4 years).
I bleed red...that is
Liverpool Red, of course.
I have been a fan of Liverpool long before Fantasy Football, hell, before the
WWW for that matter. So, I am sure that the following of Liverpool and English football has kept me more in tune with the dealings and strategies of each team and therefore more success in the EPL.
Either way, come Fall, it's Fantasy season....my favorite season of the year.